Links Arranged by Course Themes
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Section 1 -- Imposters and Villains

Tartuffe (France, 1664)

Candide (France, 1759)

Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia, 1970)

Section 2 -- Strange Days

"Yellow Woman" (Native American -- Laguna Pueblo, 1981)

"The Garden of Forking Paths" (Argentina, 1941)

"A Modest Proposal" (Ireland, 1729)

"The Metamorphosis" (several good links) (Austria-Hungary to 1918, Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 1993, currently Czech Republic, "The Metamorphosis" was published in 1915)

Leo Tolstoy, author of "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" (Russia, 1886)

Section 3 -- Nature and Simplicity

Basho (Japan, 1644 - 1694)

Wordsworth (Some links are broken but "Wordsworth FAQ" [Frequently Asked Questions], "Selected Poems . . .," and the "William Wordsworth Page" are interesting.) (England, 1770-1850)

Whitman (several good links) (United States, 1819-1892)

Rilke (Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary to 1918, Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 1993, currently Czech Republic, Rilke lived 1875-1926)

"Matryona's Home" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Russia, 1963)

"A Defense of Poetry" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (England, 1821)