Links Arranged by Course Themes
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Section 1 -- Themes of the Spirit World

Rumi (Persian, 1207-1283)

Rabi'a (Persian, 717-801)

Kabir (India, 15th Century)

Tao Te Ching (Chinese, 600-200 B.C.)

The Bhagavad-Gita (Sanskrit, First Century B.C.)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Tibet, According to < >, "traditionally regarded as the work of Padmasambhava, the eighth century founder of the Nyingma-pa Buddhist order" and was found on top of Mount Gampodar by fifteen-year-old Karma Lingpa (Kar ma gling pa,

The New Testament (Roman Empire -- Greek, ca. First Century)

Everyman (Middle English, 1485?)

Section 2 -- Internal and External Wars

Gilgamesh (Akkadian, ca. 2500 - 1500 B.C.)

Oedipus the King (Greek by Sophocles, 496 - 406 B.C.)

Aristotle's Poetics (Greek, 384 - 322 B.C.)

Antigone (Greek by Sophocles, 496 - 406 B.C.)

Augustine's Confessions (Roman Empire -- Latin, 354 - 430)

Sappho (Greek, 610 - 580 B.C.)

Section 3 -- The Examined Life

The Apology of Socrates (Greek by Plato, 429 - 347 B.C.)

T'ao Ch'ien (Chinese, 365 - 427)

Chuang Chou (Chinese, ca. 369 - 286 B.C.)

Sei Shonagon (Japanese, ca. 966 - 1017)

Yoshida Kenko (Japanese, ca. 1283 - 1352)